lørdag 14. september 2013

Laurdagslåta: Far more beautiful!

Dette er ein song til alle søstre, døtre og mødre, ja, rett og slett til alle kvinner! Ta til dykk teksten, den presenterer verda slik den faktisk er, ikkje slik moteblad, vekeblad, reklame, tv og media generelt vil ha det til. De er vakre, alle saman!

Og så er det noko med the O.C. Supertones! Eg har vore hekta på musikken deira sidan 1999. Mesteparten av musikken deira er perfekt til å danse rundt i stova saman med borna til! Berre som eit tips.

my little sister
I want to tell you
I want to show you
what you’re really worth
in the beginning when you were first made
when you were first formed
before your birth
the sea and the sky were not enough
the flowers bloom was not enough
the mountains reaching to the sky were not enough

you’re beautiful far more beautiful
than anything the world will ever know
keep you’re eyes on the King
cherish all of your tomorrows

daughter don’t grow up too fast
let your youth last
because soon its gone
daughter you’re far too precious
to waste your priceless kiss on just anyone
the Lord has made you sweet and wild
you are heaven’s little child
you’re the one whose face has a launched a thousand smiles

mother, you’re still a pretty girl
your arms surround the world with your embrace
mother I see your wisdom
your tears and laughter
in the lines on your lovely face
and your children one by one, will rise up and call you “blessed”
and all heaven will applaud as you enter to your rest

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